Release 0.3.0
Published at 2023-05-05 16:04:31 UTC

Release Notes

New Features

  • New release can re-use previous links
  • Create feedback page
  • Allow commenting on screenshots, video clips, and log files
  • Support for deleting tags
  • Improved navigation and highlights in left navigation
  • Improved home screen with projects split into "My Projects" and "Projects"
  • Added publish date on the top of the release show page


  • Fixed avatars rendering on notifications, project, and issues
  • Set new fav icon
  • Improved table rendering for issues and releases
  • Added tests for log files controller
  • Fixed log file create redirect path
  • Made notifications from popup clickable
  • Updated profile and issue edit forms with better design
  • Fixed strength gauge not counting reproduction steps on page refresh and not showing on navigate back
  • Better screenshot, videos, and logs descriptions
  • Moved free beta message to the top of the projects page
  • Improved submit buttons for New Project form
  • Set user's timezone for better UI experience
  • Improved email threading with X-Entity-ID

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed cancel button pointing to the wrong URL in issue edit form
  • Fixed mobile responsiveness issues
  • Notifications now exclude user's own actions

Other Changes

Download links
(no download links)
  • New: 35
  • In Progress: 2
  • Resolved: 2
  • Closed: 12