Release 0.4.0
Published at 2023-05-12 16:33:26 UTC

Release Notes

Below are the updates made in this release:

  • Improved Issue Management

    • Improved issue title validation.
    • Resolved issue where priority couldn't be set during issue creation. This also affected the DiscordBot's priority calculation.
    • Status 'Open' has been renamed to 'New'. The issues view now displays all 'New' issues by default.
    • Developers can now change the issue priority.
    • Improved GPT prompts to submit issues. Issue submission is now a two-step process involving description and reproduction step validation, followed by title generation. This addresses the issue of generating titles from too short descriptions or gibberish.
  • Issue Similarity and Editing

    • Fixed the issue similar issues test.
    • Added an additional request to GPT to compare similarity of issues.
    • Issue editing now sets release_id to a valid option if set on a model.
    • Release list during issue edit is now ordered from the newest to the oldest one.
  • Project and Profile Updates

    • All public projects are now displayed when not signed in.
    • Enabled setting of avatar from discord account in profiles.
    • Resolved issue where profile settings couldn't be edited except notifications.
  • Video Clips

    • Implemented processing of incompatible video clips and added a message to display during processing.
Download links
(no download links)
  • New: 35
  • In Progress: 2
  • Resolved: 2
  • Closed: 12