Release 0.5.0
Published at 2023-06-02 12:32:33 UTC

Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements

  • Introduced a bug validation level slider in the project settings.
  • Improved edit/delete button rendering during issue edit.
  • Enhanced video clip thumbnail display during issue edit.
  • Introduced a nicer video clip upload indicator.
  • General settings are now accessible via the left navigation menu.
  • Moved the projects settings to the left navigation bar.
  • Improved rendering styles and sizes of projects cards in Projects view.
  • Created a new screenshot annotation tool in the screenshot editor.
  • Introduced the capability to browse duplicates issues.
  • Improved display for project view on slightly smaller screen widths.
  • Enhanced issue display with screenshot, video clip, and log files icons next to the issue name.
  • Improved notification mail subjects for better clarity.
  • Added a message link for creating a release in Project view.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rendering issues with edit/delete buttons during issue edit.
  • Fixed the display of video clip thumbnails during issue edit.
  • Fixed the display issue where the 'Join Project' button wasn't shown properly.
  • Fixed issues around token authentication where login using the form wasn't possible.
  • Fixed issue with devices field in the issue edit form; Default Device is now set correctly and the device field is displayed only if the user is the creator of the issue.
  • Corrected an issue with the 'Join Project' button display.
  • Fixed a bug in color calculation causing 500 errors.
  • Resolved the 500 error when user agent header was not being sent.
  • Fixed issues with the removal of issue tags.
  • Fixed the broken issue removal process.
  • Fixed 404 and 500 pages display.
  • Adjusted HTTP users to be redirected to HTTPS.

Other Changes

  • Added pending moderation tools to accept a new issue or mark as a duplicate.
  • Added a heat parameter and made fixes on duplicates rendering.
  • Improved title validation prompt to provide better explanation messages.
  • The default priority for new issues is now set to "Medium".
  • In the issue edit form (developer view), user names are now used instead of e-mails on the select list if available.
  • In the issues view, default sorting is now changed by priority, then by due date.
Download links
(no download links)
  • New: 35
  • In Progress: 2
  • Resolved: 2
  • Closed: 12