Release 1.3 client update and News for Login
Published at 2024-05-16 22:09:27 UTC

Greetings SWGhavelon

fixes and edits of week

1 Mozilla after along time now not in use and will not be seen
2 TCG got totaly removed too to eleminate unused stuff from our client also duo too website calls
3 removeing Vivox aka Voice chat 100%

4 updateing ip for the trillions time lol

Totaly new Login Auth method in use

this system medigates abuse by useing the ISP ip optained on Register and then Updated and looked up on Authing/loggin on the server so lets say ur ISP changed u would be meet by and error so too fix this just go too our website and login and then u should be good too go

Totaly new Login Auth method bugs known atm!

IPV6 Parseing
this issue is becouse of the updated IP standerd that not totaly implimented everywhere but sometimes on by default on peoples systems so too go around this issue go too ur network manager and switch over too IPV4 standerd

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  • New: 5
  • In Progress: 0
  • Resolved: 2
  • Closed: 1