Demo Game: Lost Civilization


"Lost Civilization" is a first-person adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has regressed to a pre-industrial state. The player must explore the ruins of an ancient civilization to uncover the secrets of their downfall and ultimately rebuild society.


The gameplay consists of exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat. The player will encounter various enemies and obstacles that must be overcome using weapons and tools found throughout the game. The puzzles will range from deciphering ancient hieroglyphs to repairing ancient machinery. The combat will be strategic and involve the use of both ranged and melee weapons.


The game will be available on PC and major consoles.

Target Audience

Our target audience is gamers who enjoy adventure games with a focus on exploration, puzzle-solving, and strategic combat.

Development Team

Our development team consists of experienced game designers, programmers, and artists who are passionate about creating immersive game worlds and compelling gameplay experiences.


2023-04-27 12:26:49 UTC
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